The power of potential

The power of potential

What inspires you? I am inspired by potential—what might be—and try to look for the good things even when i'm feeling challenged. As I write this, I...

Why I love Ayurvedic head massage

Why I love Ayurvedic head massage

The joys of getting a head massage Have you ever been to the hairdresser and received a quick head and scalp massage while getting your hair washed?...

The energy that fuels dreams

The energy that fuels dreams

Passion creates energy and purpose Passion—such a loaded word, but it's an emotion that fuels so much. I know it's often been my passions that have...

Wellbeing starts with gratitude

Wellbeing starts with gratitude

Deciding what my first post was going to be was easy. I simply wanted to share probably the most beautiful and inspiring thing I know with you....

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