
My name is Jo Herbert-Doyle and I have spent decades working in the field of wellness and exploring what it is to be well in myself and supporting others to do the same. This is the space where I share what I have learnt about nourishing mind, body and spirit—taking a holistic approach to wellbeing.

I choose to live a kind, calm, appreciative and meaningful life, which helps me along the rollercoaster of everyday life. I also choose to increase my sense of wellbeing by living compassionately. This includes not only acknowledging the suffering of others and the environment but also by practising self-compassion—reflecting upon what my experience is on a physical-mental-emotional and spiritual level and taking steps towards making the changes that are needed to move me towards where I want to be and away from where I don’t. This is an ever-evolving journey, though one thing that I have learnt and which remains constant is that 

every choice we make matters

so I encourage you to make your choices consciously positive ones.

Start with a simple breath:

Pause – Breathe – Relax

What is the HPA axis and why you should care

What is the HPA axis and why you should care

Did you know your brain is connected to your adrenals? It's a bit of a mouthful, I know, but the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is basically a feedback system connecting your brain to your adrenal glands. These small but vital little glands sit above your...

To beat stress, first you have to own It

To beat stress, first you have to own It

Do you admit to feeling stressed? In my experience, few people like to admit they are feeling stressed or not coping in some way, let alone express how their stress levels are pushing them over a comfortable edge into the realm of anxiety, feeling restless, sleepless,...

The mind-gut connection is real

The mind-gut connection is real

Did you know that your gut and brain are in regular conversation? Yep, that's right, they are having a pretty much ongoing chat about what's happening in general. In fact, they have such a close relationship that your mental state can influence your gut function and...

Building resilience – the key to supporting mental health

Building resilience – the key to supporting mental health

Which of the following best describes your day? Is it busy but everything goes smoothly and you respond positively to whatever challenges arise? Or, does it feel more like everything is a frantic juggle and you literally cannot take on board a single additional thing?...

Taming the monkey – a breath meditation to focus the mind

Taming the monkey – a breath meditation to focus the mind

Meditating can be challenging One of the most common obstacles facing us when we meditate is restless and 'chattering' mental activity — this is sometimes referred to as the 'monkey mind'. Contrary to common opinion, meditation is not about emptying your mind...

Beginning the practice of seated meditation

Beginning the practice of seated meditation

Finding your style of meditation takes time The word meditation conjures up images of serene individuals in contemplative seated positions and the promise of a future life of peace and bliss. With ongoing research continuing to support the benefits of a regular...

Body of light meditation

Body of light meditation

This is an expansive guided visualisation that can be learnt and practised as a meditation to expand the spiritual connection to the wider universe. You may like to record it on your phone or another device to playback and is authorised by me for your personal use in...

Stress busting strategies that invoke calm

Stress busting strategies that invoke calm

The modern world can be stressful Modern living has created what seems to be an ever-increasing workload, a culture of demanding emails, texts and social media posts all vying for attention; in addition to financial juggling and all the other ‘life admin’ that keeps...